Fair Use Policy

Our Fair Use Policy is designed to ensure that all customers have equal access to our services and to prevent any misuse or abuse of our products. By using our services, you agree to comply with this policy.

At Star Digital Advans, we strive to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. Our Fair Use Policy helps us achieve this goal by setting reasonable limits on the use of our products and services.

What is Fair Use?

Fair use refers to the reasonable and responsible use of our products and services. It allows customers to enjoy the benefits of our offerings without negatively impacting the experience of others.

Examples of Fair Use:

- Using our smartphones for personal communication, browsing the internet, and accessing social media.

- Listening to music or podcasts with our wireless headphones.

- Using our smartwatches for fitness tracking and receiving notifications.

What is Not Allowed?

While we encourage our customers to make the most of our products, certain activities are not allowed under our Fair Use Policy. These activities include:

- Engaging in illegal or fraudulent activities.

- Using our products for commercial purposes without prior authorization.

- Excessive or unreasonable use that may impact the performance of our network or services.

Consequences of Violating the Fair Use Policy:

If we determine that a customer has violated our Fair Use Policy, we may take appropriate actions, including but not limited to:

- Warning the customer about the violation and providing guidance on how to comply with the policy.

- Temporarily suspending or restricting the customer's access to our services.

- Terminating the customer's account and discontinuing their access to our services.

We reserve the right to modify or update our Fair Use Policy at any time. It is your responsibility to review this policy periodically to ensure compliance.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Fair Use Policy, please contact our customer support team for assistance.